“Love is trust, respect, tolerance, care, nurturing, honesty, patience, acceptance, adoration, longing… Its consequence is family, friendship, vocation. That is certain. Now I know that it is LOVE that is the most important. It is the foundation. All other values arise and grow on its grounds.”
On March 20, 2013, the student of the sixth grade of the Primary School with Integrative Departments No. 3 named after Tadeusz Kościuszko in Myszków – Kacper Jakóbczyk, along with the supervisor, Ms Renata Cholewka, took part in the ceremonial summary of the VI Nationwide Literary Competition “It Matters. My Voice on Values” under the Honorary Patronage of the Silesian Education Curator. The solemn gala took place at the headquarters of the organizer – the Gymnasium in Brynek. The student from Myszków Three received the first prize for his essay “Love” in the competition.
Almost 150 students from all over Poland participated in the competition, sending almost 500 literary texts: poems, stories, and essays. The competition takes place every two years. The patron of the competition, from its inception, is also Father Jerzy Szymik – a poet, doctor habilitatus of dogmatic theology, professor at the Catholic University of Lublin, since 2001 head and lecturer of the Department of Dogmatic Theology at the Theological Faculty of the University of Silesia, and since 2004 a member of the International Theological Commission. At the gala, Father Jerzy Szymik introduced all the Laureates to his poetry, in which he presents his view of the world and man. Each winner was awarded a collection of poems.