About the EU funding for research and development.

The Department of Development and Strategy of the City of Myszków, along with the Upper Silesian Regional Development Agency S.A. in Katowice, organizes regular individual consultations for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, as well as those who plan to start their own business.
The meetings take place at the City Hall from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
The range of consultations includes the rules of access to EU funds and the possibility of participating in training in areas such as principles of acquiring financial resources for business development.
The consultations are led by Mrs. Lucyna Sikora, Director of the Advisory and Information Team at GARR S.A.
In February, the first two meetings were held, which were met with great interest from those involved in economic activities. The most numerous group of participants so far were representatives of the computer industry.
We warmly invite you to the next consultations, which will take place on March 11 and 25 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
All interested parties are asked to sign up in person (room 20 at the City Hall) or by phone: (34) 313-26-82, ext.145, by March 10 and 21 respectively.