On February 22, Brzeg Dolny hosted a free meeting with Dr. Ewa Bogucka, a specialist in geriatrics. The event was organized by the County Council of Seniors. Deputy Starosta of Wołów County, Jarosław Iskra, opened the meeting and welcomed the many participants. We asked the deputy starosta what he thinks about such initiatives undertaken by the County Council of Seniors. – The County Council of Seniors has started the new term very actively, organizing free meetings with a geriatrician, and on March 7, there will be meetings with a lawyer. I am glad that we can support seniors from our county. Let’s not forget about the youth, who are very active in the Youth Council of Wołów County. I am full of admiration for the activities of both of these active social groups and I am happy that I can support them and participate in their initiatives – said Jarosław Iskra. The next event organized by the County Council of Seniors will take place on March 7 at 16:00 in room number 16 of the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center. This time it will be a meeting with a lawyer, and the topics of the meeting will include inheritance and pensions. Katarzyna Mrozek