Adult Secondary School in Myszków

On April 14th, a meeting was held in the session room of the City Hall regarding the opening of an Adult Gymnasium in Myszkow. The initiative was taken by the Vocational Training Center in Katowice and the Environmental Labor Troop in Myszkow.

In attendance were: Mayor – Janusz Romaniuk, Head of the Education Department – Krystyna Jasińska, Head of the MZEASiP – Marzanna Wieczorek, Director of the School Complex ZDZ in Zarki – Kazimierz Lamch, Director of the School Complex ZDZ in Rybnik – Andrzej Stakowski, Commander of the Environmental Labor Troop in Myszkow- Czesław Świerczyński, Director of the Pedagogical-Psychological Clinic – Robert Pawlik, Family Court Curator Gabriela Jańowiec-Śleszyńska, as well as directors and teachers from gymnasium schools in Myszkow and surrounding areas.

The requirement for admission to the Adult Gymnasium is to be at least 16 years old. The education cycle lasts 3 years. Enrollment will be conducted simultaneously for the first, second, and third classes.

According to information provided by representatives of ZDZ, in such schools, girls and boys undergo vocational training classes. Learning takes place in the afternoons for three days a week, while on the remaining two days, students learn their chosen profession.

Krystyna Jasińska, Head of the Education Department, emphasized that providing the opportunity to complete gymnasium for youth who, for various reasons, do not fulfill their obligatory education, as well as young adults who are over 18 and have been excluded from the gymnasium student list, falls outside the statutory competences of the municipal self-government, which organizes the implementation of the obligatory education in daily and stationary forms of education in primary and gymnasium schools. Therefore, the initiative of ZDZ and the Labor Troop is very valuable because it will enable many young people to fulfill their statutory obligation of education and prepare them for entering the job market.

The need for such schools was also expressed by the Director of the PPP-P and the family court curator. Preliminary estimates indicate that in each school, there are students who should attend the Adult Gymnasium. Currently, these students are being directed to Czestochowa or Sosnowiec.

Registration is open until June 25th, 2008, at the Environmental Labor Troop, ul. Helenówka 1 in Myszkow (from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm) or at the Environmental Club in the Municipal House of Culture in Myszkow at ul. 3 Maja (from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm).

For more information, call (034) 313-11-15 or email or call 0-511 411 065 or 0-606 836 393.