The District Veterinary Officer in Myszków informs that, in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/141 of 19 January 2023 amending Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 establishing specific measures for the control of African swine fever, in order to take into account recent changes in the epidemiological situation regarding African swine fever and proactively combat the risk associated with the spread of this disease in Poland, the Municipality of Myszków and Koziegłowy have been designated as areas subject to restrictions. The regulation came into force on 20 January of this year.
Therefore, those maintaining pig herds in the municipalities of Myszków and Koziegłowy are required to comply with several new obligations:
– the obligation to report events related to the movement of pig herds and on-farm slaughter for own consumption to the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (BP ARiMR) in Myszków within 2 days.
– immediate notification to the District Veterinary Officer in Myszków of pig deaths on the farm for the purpose of sampling for African swine fever testing.
– on-farm slaughter for own consumption applies only to animals kept on the farm for at least 30 days before slaughter and should be reported in advance due to the need for a pre-slaughter examination by a veterinarian.
– the obligation to place disinfecting mats not only at the entrances to pig housing facilities, but also at farm entrances, and to ensure that the mats are maintained in a condition ensuring the effectiveness of the disinfectant.
– inspections of entities maintaining pig herds are to be carried out twice a year, with a positive biosecurity inspection required to issue a health certificate for the movement of pig herds – the health certificate is valid for only 24 hours.
– the transport of pig herds may only be carried out using approved means of transport for animal movement.
– the purchase of pig herds from areas subject to restrictions II or III requires the approval of the District Veterinary Officer in Myszków.