“Be Santa Claus”

The Public Pedagogical Library is once again launching a charity campaign “Become a Saint Nicholas”. Children in Polish schools and institutions across our eastern border need: notebooks, crayons, markers, paints, clay, drawing blocks, pens, pencil cases, folders, A4 paper (colored and white), brushes, crepe paper, tissue paper, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, scissors, glue sticks, rulers, and compasses. Every gift we receive will bring a big smile to the children’s faces.
Let’s pass on to them the most needed school supplies and support our youngest compatriots in this way! Donations are accepted until 01.12.2017.
Public Pedagogical Library RODN “WOM” in Częstochowa Branch in Myszków. ul. Pułaskiego 7/210 42-300 Myszków Tel. 343134494 Email: mybp@womczest.edu.pl