Commencement of public consultations regarding the review of the draft resolution on determining the mode and detailed criteria for evaluating applications for the implementation of a public task as part of a local initiative.

The Mayor of Gryfice announces public consultations regarding the opinion on the draft resolution on determining the procedure and detailed criteria for the evaluation of applications for the implementation of a public task within the local initiative. Legal basis for consultations: based on art. 5a sec. 1 and art. 30 sec. 1 of the Act of 8 March 1990 on local government (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2024, item 1465, item 1572) in connection with art. 5 sec. 2 points 3 and 4 of the Act of 24 April 2003 on public benefit activity and volunteering (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2024, item 1491), § 3 of the Resolution No. XXXVI/444/2010 of the City Council in Gryfice of 30 March 2010 on the detailed manner of consultations on adopted resolutions in the field of public benefit activity with non-governmental organizations and other organizations conducting public benefit activities (Official Journal of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship of 27 May 2010, No. 41, item 876), and § 5 of the Resolution No. XXX/385/2013 of 21 February 2013 on the adoption of principles and procedures for conducting social consultations with residents of the Gryfice Municipality (Official Journal of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship of 27 March 2013, item 1346). Subject of consultations: draft resolution on determining the procedure and detailed criteria for the evaluation of applications for the implementation of a public task within the local initiative. Scope of consultations: 1) residents of the Gryfice Municipality residing in its area who have reached the age of 18 on the day when the consultations begin, 2) non-governmental organizations and entities listed in art. 3 sec. 3 of the Act on public benefit activity and volunteering operating in the Gryfice Municipality. Commencement and conclusion of consultations: 21 November 2024 to 5 December 2024. Form of consultations: consultations are conducted by submitting opinions, comments, proposals on a survey form, attached as Annex No. 2 to the Mayor of Gryfice’s Order No. 221/2024 of 21 November 2024 regarding the social consultations on the draft resolution on determining the procedure and detailed criteria for evaluating applications for the implementation of a public task within the local initiative, and a meeting with residents of the Gryfice Municipality, representatives of non-governmental organizations and other social organizations operating in the Gryfice Municipality on 4 December 2024 at 16.30, room 101, at the City Hall in Gryfice, Victory Square 37, 72-300 Gryfice. The survey form will be available for download: 1) on the website:, 2) in the Public Information Bulletin: in the “Information” tab – “Social consultations”, 3) at the City Hall in Gryfice, Victory Square 37, room 103, 1st floor. Method of providing documentation: The draft resolution will be posted on the Gryfice Municipality website and in the Public Information Bulletin, and available for inspection at the headquarters of the City Hall in Gryfice, Victory Square 37, room 103, 1st floor, Monday – Friday from 7:30 – 15:00. Method of submitting opinions, comments, and proposals: 1) submission of the survey at the headquarters of the City Hall in Gryfice, Victory Square 37, room 103, 1st floor, Monday – Friday from 7:30 – 15:00, 2) sending a scan of the survey via e-mail to the Gryfice City Hall at the e-mail address:, 3) sending the survey via traditional mail to the address: Gryfice City Hall, Victory Square 37, 72-300 Gryfice. Person responsible for conducting the consultations: municipal commissioner for social consultations regarding the opinion on the draft resolution – Secretary of the Gryfice Municipality Luiza Kowalska, room No. 219, 2nd floor, in the building of the Gryfice City Hall, Victory Square 37, tel. 91 38 53 212.