The sun, joy, music, and beautiful surroundings of the Dotyk Jury are the added values to the VII edition of the family picnic “Bezpieczny Myszków”. The action, as every year, in cooperation with the District Police Command, the City Cultural Center, the City Social Welfare Center, the City and District Public Library, the Department of Promotion, Culture and Sport of the City Hall, was prepared and conducted by the City Guard. The initiator of the action is Sławomir Pabiasz, the Commander of the City Guard. The picnic is also a joint venture with the “Kropla szczęścia” Foundation. Throughout the picnic, a collection was held for the wards of the Foundation. So not only could you enjoy the benefits of the event, but also share with those in need. As every year, there were plenty of attractions for both adults and children. A crazy bike, a one-wheel drive simulator, rollovers, a balloon battle, and many other interesting, joyful games and activities prepared, among others, by our library. All this accompanied by music performed by bands and soloists from the music studio at the City Cultural Center. We also hosted Polish Radio Katowice at the picnic, which live broadcasted the events from the picnic. The report can be seen below.
Report from the VII Family Integration Picnic “Bezpieczny Myszków”