Food Bank announces recruitment under the Food Donation and Distribution Program.

The Food Bank in Częstochowa announces an open call for a Local Partner Organization (OPL) to carry out activities in the City and Municipality of Myszków under the European Funds for Food Aid 2021-2027 co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus – Subprogram 2023.

Entities eligible to participate in the call:
Non-governmental organizations and other non-public institutions operating in the City and Municipality of Myszków.

Partnership objective:
To provide food assistance to the poorest residents of the City and Municipality of Myszków during the period: DECEMBER 2023 – OCTOBER 2024.

Requirements for the Partner:
An entity wishing to carry out activities under the FEPŻ 2021-2027 in Subprogram 2023 is required to ensure and comply with the minimum standards specified in the Guidelines of the Managing Institution (MRiPS) for the Implementing Body and beneficiaries regarding the activities carried out under the European Funds for Food Aid 2021-2027 co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus – Subprogram 2023 dated September 8, 2023.

1. In the administration area:
1) having technical facilities providing proper food distribution services, including administrative facilities, telephone, and if possible, a computer,
2) providing publicly available information on the website, if available, describing the activities carried out by the organization under Subprogram 2023,
3) providing publicly available information at the distribution location regarding: FEPŻ funding from EU funds, eligibility criteria and the manner of qualifying individuals for food aid under Subprogram 2023, principles of food distribution, and opportunities and procedures for complaints by the most needy individuals regarding the distribution process by the organization,
4) cooperating with the appropriate social welfare center,
5) issuing food only in facilities owned by the organization and/or delivering food to the residences of the most needy individuals,
6) organizing food distribution in a way that prevents any stigmatization and discrimination of program beneficiaries,
7) maintaining necessary documentation and verifying documents entitling individuals to receive assistance.

2. In the storage area:
1) having warehouses enabling the storage of food products under conditions specified by the producer,
2) providing monitoring/protection through specialized companies or using own resources and capabilities,
3) ensuring the unloading and loading of food products,
4) maintaining separate electronic or paper-based inventory records allowing clear identification of individual warehouse operations for Subprogram 2023 and identifying the distribution path of individual batches of food products,
5) maintaining monthly aggregated inventory records allowing tracking of the distribution of each batch of individual food products in accordance with the principles specified in the Guidelines,
6) preventing food waste through rational management of food products delivered under Subprogram 2023.

A detailed description of the minimum standards for OPL can be found in the MRiPS Guidelines at the following links:

Application procedure:
1. Each entity is required to submit an “DECLARATION OF PARTICIPATION OF A LOCAL PARTNER ORGANIZATION IN THE EUROPEAN FOOD AID FUNDS 2021-2027 SUBPROGRAM 2023,” which is attached to this announcement: – FEPŻ2023_declaration of participation of OPL in the program (MONO).
Deadline for applications: by December 15, 2023.
2. The declaration (without attachments) should be sent in the form of a scan to the email address: and by post along with attachments (statute, any authorizations to enter into commitments) to the address:

Food Bank in Częstochowa
ul. Żwirki i Wigury 6/14 p.309

Additional information regarding the announcement and application can be obtained by calling: 34 325 50 36 or 507 162 616.

The Food Bank in Częstochowa reserves the right to:
1. Select several local partner organizations from the municipality.
2. Cancel the call without giving a reason.
3. Refrain from cooperation if discrepancies are found between the actual situation and the information provided in the “DECLARATION OF PARTICIPATION OF A LOCAL PARTNER ORGANIZATION IN THE EUROPEAN FOOD AID FUNDS 2021-2027 SUBPROGRAM 2023”.
This announcement does not constitute a public procurement announcement or an announcement regarding public benefit activities and volunteering.

President of the Management Board of the Food Bank
in Częstochowa
(-) Norbert Kępiński