Information about the intention to announce a competition for a candidate for the position of director of the Municipal Center for Culture in Czarnków.

The Mayor of the City of Czarnków announces that he intends to announce a competition for the candidate for the position of director of the Municipal Cultural Center in Czarnków. The competition will start on December 3, 2024. The announcement of the competition will be published on the website, on the city of Czarnków website, and on the notice board at the seat of the City Council of Czarnków. The expected deadline for the competition is December 20, 2024. The expected date of employment of the director of the Municipal Cultural Center is February 3, 2025. Information about the intention to announce the competition is made public on the website, on the city of Czarnków website, and on the notice board at the seat of the City Council of Czarnków. The deadline for announcement may be shortened according to § 3 par. 3 of the regulation of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of April 12, 2019 regarding the competition for the candidate for the position of director of a cultural institution (Journal of Laws of 2024 item 1348). (-) Jacek Klimaszewski Mayor of the City of Czarnków Source: