Meeting of the Board of the Bytow County on 26.11.2024

On Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 1:00 PM, a meeting of the Board of the Bytów County will take place. A G E N D A: 1. Consideration of applications in the following matters: a) making changes to the budget of the County Family Support Center in Bytów for the proper implementation of tasks in the field of preventing family violence; b) making changes to the budget of the Bytów County to cover the costs of maintaining children from the Bytów County placed in foster families; c) making transfers in the budget of the Special School and Education Center in Bytów to co-finance postgraduate studies for teachers; d) increasing the budget of the Special School and Education Center in Bytów for the payment of a “start-up benefit” for a newly employed teacher; e) increasing the expenditure plan of the Economic-Service Schools Complex in Bytów for current expenses; f) making transfers in the budget of the Economic-Service Schools Complex in Bytów for teacher training; g) increasing the financial plan of the Special School and Education Center in Tursk for the purchase of textbooks and exercises for learning the Kashubian language; h) making changes to the budget of the Bytów County to support the implementation of additional educational tasks related to education, upbringing, and care for children who are citizens of Ukraine; i) increasing the budget expenditure plan for the payment of scholarships to students learning a regional language and languages of national minorities at the General Education Schools Complex in Bytów; j) introducing an investment task entitled “Construction of a rainwater drainage installation from a residential building at the County Administration in Bytów”; k) making changes to the budget of the Bytów County for the installation of air conditioning in three rooms of the county building; l) making transfers in the budget of the County State Fire Service in Bytów for the payment of awards and contribution fees; m) making changes to the budget of the Bytów County for the implementation of the “Cyber-Secure Municipality” project. 2. Adoption of resolutions by the Board in the following matters: a) appointment of a competition commission to conduct an open competition for the implementation of a public task in the area of social assistance in running socialization-type care and educational facilities in the Bytów County; b) approval for the implementation of the project “Reducing transport exclusion through the purchase of low-emission hybrid-powered bus fleet to serve existing and newly created intercity bus lines by the Bytów County – edition II” within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan; c) appointment of examination committees (regarding the exam for promotion to the post of a qualified teacher); d) change of the financial plan for the dedicated account “Funds from the Aid Fund for the assistance to Ukrainian citizens” in 2024; e) announcement of the results of an open competition for the assignment of a non-governmental organization conducting activities for the public benefit to carry out a public task in the scope of running one free legal aid point or one free civic counseling point and legal education in the Bytów County in 2025; f) making changes in the revenue and expenditure plan for the Bytów County budget for the year 2024 and the financial plan for tasks in the field of government administration and other tasks assigned to the territorial self-government unit by separate laws for the year 2024. 3. Consideration and referral to the session of the Bytów County Council draft resolutions in the following matters: a) intention to transform the Psychological-Pedagogical Clinic in Bytów by changing its headquarters; b) granting consent to waive the appeal of a real estate donation (print no. 318 – G). 4. Current matters.