From Friday to Saturday, unknown vandals (we hope they are unknown for now) destroyed and overturned bins along 3 Maja Street.
This sign of thoughtlessness, barbarism, and vandalism should be strongly condemned by society. Every damage that needs to be repaired is an additional, unforeseen cost for the city, which is covered by, among other things, our money. The cost of one bin is approximately 1,000 PLN, and we should also add the costs associated with cleaning up the broken bins and setting up new ones.
We appeal to the residents of the city for help in identifying the perpetrators of this thoughtless act. If any of you have information about the night vandalism, please contact us at the phone number 34/313-26-82 ext. 162. If you witness similar incidents in the future, just make a phone call to notify the police. We must take care of our city ourselves, no one will do it for us. And to vandals and thoughtless creatures, we say NO!