On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, a meeting of the chemical circle took place, during which the youth of Grodzisk “Słowak” presented how they can use the newly acquired equipment, laboratory glassware, and chemical reagents as part of the implementation of the project: “Equipping schools run by the Grodzisk County with equipment and teaching aids necessary for the implementation of educational programs in the field of environmental protection and nature conservation”. The meeting was attended by: Deputy Starosta of Grodzisk – Sławomir Górny, Secretary of the Grodzisk County – Tomasz Dolata, Head of the Department of Construction and Environment – Natalia Chorąziak, Chief Accountant of the County Office – Marta Waligóra, School Director – Katarzyna Nowak-Pierszalska and Vice-Director-Grażyna Skrzypczak, as well as chemistry teachers: Grażyna Makles and Joanna Sanok and students of class IVc from the biological-chemical group.

The project was implemented with funds from the Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Poznań and the Grodzisk Wielkopolski County Office. The school laboratory was equipped with a new interactive monitor, laptop, pencil pH meters, burettes, conical flasks, separators, gas burners with gas, pipettes, combustion spoons, biodegradation kits, reagents for testing water hardness, and green plants with purifying properties.

Students of class IVc with a biological-chemical profile determined the concentration of hydrochloric acid using the alkacimetric titration method, Mrs. Joanna Sanok demonstrated how to determine water hardness by titration, and invited guests had the opportunity to test the pH of solutions we come into contact with in daily life, such as Coca Cola, milk, lemon juice, shampoo, and a solution of caustic soda soap.