
78 years ago, the day was sunnier than today. From the insurgent diaries, it appears that the mood among the Insurgents was equally joyful. Faith, duty, youth, immeasurable love for the Motherland, that was what led young people to the barricades.

It is impossible today to express in words the atmosphere of those times, those feelings. What remains today, apart from mementos, memories, material things of the Insurgents? What feelings accompany us every August 1st, when the “W” hour sirens wail?

Will we be like a statue

torn from the covers of ages?

Will we find crumbs of hair

from those times left on our temples?

I call to you, stranger,

who will uncover white bones:

When the battles cool down,

my skeleton will hold in its hand

the standard of my motherland.

Krzyztof Kamil Baczyński

Glory to the Heroes!