Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to inform you about the possibility of participating in the umbrella project implemented by the Municipality of Myszków as part of the Investment B2.2.2 Program for RES Installations implemented by energy communities Part B (investment support for energy communities) Measure B.1: Demonstrative investment projects carried out by energy communities (call No. KPOD.03.12-IP.05-002/23).
Individuals who meet the requirements set out in the call regulations may participate in the project.
Under the above-mentioned call, it is possible to obtain funding for:
– purchase and installation of a photovoltaic installation with energy storage for the production and storage of excess electricity
– purchase and installation of a photovoltaic installation with an air-source heat pump for the production of thermal energy for central heating and domestic hot water
– purchase and installation of a photovoltaic installation with a heat pump for the production of thermal energy for domestic hot water
– purchase and installation of an air-source heat pump for the production of thermal energy for central heating and domestic hot water
– purchase and installation of a heat pump for the production of thermal energy for domestic hot water
– purchase and installation of a photovoltaic installation with energy storage for the production and storage of excess electricity and an air-source heat pump for the production of thermal energy and domestic hot water
Under the above-mentioned call, it is possible to obtain funding at the level of 90% of the net investment amount, which means that VAT is an ineligible cost – borne by the resident.
The actual cost of the above sets will depend on factors such as the size of the house, energy demand, installation conditions. These factors will be verified at a later stage of project implementation.
A prerequisite is signing a property lease agreement for the project purposes.
More information can be obtained on the website of the Myszków City Hall and at the City Hall.
Deadline for submitting application documents: from 30.01.2024 to 02.02.2024.
Place of submission of application documents: registry office of the Myszków City Hall or via ePUAP of the Myszków City Hall, ul. Kościuszki 26 – Registry office. Applications should be submitted during the City Hall’s working hours.
Before submitting the application, please familiarize yourself with the call regulations – click here.
For any questions regarding the project, please contact the Development Department of the Myszków City Hall, room no. 20 (ground floor), tel. 34 313 26 82 ext. 145.