Radom PiS MPs intervened in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and in the Prime Minister’s Chancellery regarding the revitalization of the former Fabryka Broni building at 1905 Street in Radom. However, it seems that despite the announcement by the President of Radom, Radosław Witkowski – the Ministry of Culture is not interested in creating another museum in these buildings. As informed by PiS MP Marek Suski on Thursday, March 7, 2024 – The parliamentary intervention is a consequence of the statements made by the President of Radom, Radosław Witkowski, who announced that the revitalization of the historic Fabryka Broni building is a priority in his plans and that the matter is in good hands and on the right track. In 2023, an intent letter was signed between ARP and the Ministry of Culture, in which both parties committed to cooperate on the revitalization of this building. Plans include the creation of a museum and a business center. “We have decided to check this out,” said MP Marek Suski. However, the facts are different – reported MP Marek Suski:
Someone is missing the truth. Parliamentary intervention at the Ministry of Culture regarding the revitalization of the former Fabryka Broni last Tuesday, March 5, 2024, is confirmed by MP Andrzej Kosztowniak. The MP also appeals to the President of Radom to weigh his words and take responsibility for them:
This is a very important investment, much needed, which all residents of Radom are eagerly waiting for. Artur Standowicz, a candidate for PiS for the position of President of Radom, thanked for taking parliamentary intervention in the revitalization of the former Fabryka Broni buildings:
The building of the former Fabryka Broni is ready for revitalization. The design concept of the building is also ready. According to the plans, FORUM RADOM will be created here, as a blend of the past and the future. The estimated cost of revitalizing the historic building of the former Fabryka Broni is around 600 million Polish zlotys.