Rules for obtaining permission to operate unmanned aerial vehicles in the controlled area of Katowice-Pyrzowice airport (EPKT) and sending helium-filled balloons, lanterns, fireworks displays, lasers in the vicinity of the airport.
UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES For safety reasons, flights of unmanned aerial vehicles must take place outside the controlled airspace (CTR) of Katowice-Pyrzowice airport (EPKT). Flights of unmanned aerial vehicles with a maximum take-off mass (MTOM) not exceeding 25 kg used exclusively in line-of-sight operations within the airport’s controlled airspace (CTR) after prior notification and obtaining permission from the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PAŻP) are allowed. Flights conducted beyond the visual line of sight of the operator (BVLOS) within the airport’s controlled airspace require mandatory permission from PAŻP well in advance in order to reserve airspace. All flights of unmanned aerial vehicles over airport areas require additional permission from the airport operator. Notifications should be made at least 3 working days before the planned flight to determine the feasibility and conditions of the flights. Application forms are available on the website in the “coordination” tab.
After obtaining permission from PAŻP (ASM-1), before the flight, contact the airport control tower: EPKT TWR +48-32-392-78-61; +48-32-284-55-40. There is no obligation to report flights conducted for recreational purposes and within visual line of sight:
beyond 1 km from the airport boundary (airport fencing) with unmanned aerial vehicles weighing up to 0.6 kg and up to a height of not more than 30 m or up to the height of the highest obstacle, including trees or buildings, within a radius of 100 m from the operator.
beyond 6 km from the airport boundary (airport fencing) with unmanned aerial vehicles weighing up to 25 kg and up to a height of not more than 100 m above ground level.
The attached electronic map version illustrates the above zones. The Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, as the airspace manager, and the Civil Aviation Authority officially recognized and recommend the DroneRadar application for use by drone operators in Poland. The DroneRadar application is a simple, versatile, and easily accessible tool for orienting in airspace. To use the application, a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet (iOS or Android) with internet access is required. Drone operators are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the application’s functionality and use it when planning flights. This undoubtedly enhances the safety of not only drone operations but also overall air traffic.
NOTE: The DroneRadar application does not exempt from the need to obtain approvals for flights from managers of specific zones, including approvals for flights in CTR zones (required notification form). All data in DroneRadar is for informational purposes only and can only serve as additional material for flight planning. The application is available at Basic rules for using unmanned aerial vehicles, described in a user-friendly way, are posted on the website.
SENDING HELIUM-FILLED BALLOONS, LANTERNS, FIREWORKS DISPLAYS, LASERS. According to the Regulation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development on the use of lasers or light from other sources in airspace zones dated October 20, 2015 par. 2 sec. 3, on the Civil Aviation Authority website (Online Maps), there is a map indicating zones where permission from the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency to carry out fireworks displays, lasers, sending balloons or lanterns is required, address: or
To streamline the organization of fireworks displays, it is worth checking whether the planned display area is in a zone where the emission of lasers and other lights is subject to restrictions. If the location is outside such a zone, then permission from the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency is not required, and there is no need to send an application.
APPLICATIONS AND FORMS: Required forms are available on the PAŻP website in the “coordination” tab They should be sent before the planned date of the event via:
fax (+48 22) 574 57 69, 574 57 13,
for fireworks displays, laser shows, sending balloons and lanterns, email:,
for unmanned aerial vehicles, email:,
or mail to the address:
Polish Air Navigation Services Agency Strategic Planning Center ul. Wieżowa 8 02-147 Warsaw
Further information can be obtained from the PAŻP Strategic Planning Center:
For laser shows, sending balloons, and lanterns:
Tel .: (+48 22) 574-57-21
Tel .: (+48 22) 574-57-23
For unmanned aerial vehicles:
Tel .: (+48 22) 574-57-15
Based on the data included in the form, PAŻP will publish a NOTAM navigation warning and respond in writing to each notifier, instructing them about their responsibilities, such as the need to obtain direct telephone permission to start the show or release balloons/lamps from the airport air traffic controller near the location where the event is to take place.
An application for permission to operate unmanned aerial vehicles over Katowice-Pyrzowice airport (EPKT) should be addressed to the Port Duty Officer (24h/7):
Tel .: (+48 32) 392-72-62 or (+48) 602-746-066,
PENAL SANCTIONS We would like to remind that according to art. 211 sec. 1 lit. A and sec. 12 of the Aviation Law, ignoring the above rules is punishable by a fine, a restriction of liberty, or imprisonment. The above responsibility also lies with the event organizer who allows incidents described above.
Additional information is also available on the Civil Aviation Authority website:
lanterns, balloons (…)
unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) and