On March 5, 2024, an agreement was signed with the Voivode of Wielkopolska for co-financing the project entitled “Reconstruction of county road No. 3584P – Parzęczewo – Puszczykowo – Kotusz – county border – stage II”. For this project, Powiat Grodziski obtained funding from the Government Road Development Fund in the amount of 12,304,077.48 PLN, which constitutes 80% of eligible costs. The total value of the investment is 15,682,216.53 PLN, with the eligible value of the project being 15,380,096.85 PLN. A local contribution of 3,378,139.05 PLN will be financed by Powiat Grodziski and the municipality of Kamieniec. The tendering procedure has already begun to select a contractor for the construction works.