Dear Sir or Madam,
At the beginning of September 2024, work began on preparing the document “Strategy for Solving Social Problems in the Czarnków-Trzcianka County for the years 2024-2033.” In the document, we will focus on implementing tasks of a social nature, belonging to the competence of the county government. Each of the tasks will concern solving social problems of the residents of the municipalities in our county, therefore we would like to invite you to participate in the process of preparing the Strategy.
We would like to benefit from your knowledge and obtain information on the most important social problems of the county residents within the scope assigned to the competence of our County Family Support Center in Trzcianka. Therefore, we kindly ask you to fill in the brief survey below. We would be grateful for sharing this information with your family and friends. The more responses we receive, the more complete picture we will have of the social problems of the county residents.
Thank you in advance and best regards,
Lidia Grabarz
Director of the County Family Support Center in Trzcianka
The survey for residents is available at: