Tender for the construction of sewage system has already been announced.

On March 1st, employees of the Myszków city council announced a tender for the construction of a sanitary sewage system in the Cisówka district. As part of this investment, a network of sanitary sewage will be built in the streets: Mrzygłodzka, Krótka, Różana, Odlewnicza, and Jedwabna. The total length of the newly created sanitary sewage network in the Cisówka district will be 4,293 meters.

The opening of offers in the announced tender will take place on March 31st, after which the construction site will be handed over to the winning company or consortium of companies. Construction works according to the adopted assumptions will last until November 15th of this year.

This investment is the first stage of the project “Improvement of the water and sewage management in the city of Myszków stages I and II”, for which the city has received a grant of 9,258,492.79 PLN from the European Union under the Cohesion Fund.

“The municipality of Myszków is the only one that has received the largest grant in the history of the entire Myszków County. So far, no other municipality in our county has managed to obtain over 9 million PLN in grants for a single project,” said the spokesman Wojciech Chrapek.

After the completion of the construction of the sanitary sewage system in Cisówka, the next stage will involve the construction of a sanitary and storm sewage system in the Mijaczów district, where the city will build sewage in the streets: Korczaka, Lotnicza, Powstania Styczniowego, Wojska Polskiego, Lipowa, and Dywizjonu 303.

As part of the entire project, 11 streets in the city will gain a new sewage network.