“The pitcher” threw construction glass under the forest in Kocienie / photos

Located away from homes, a small forest in Kocieniec on the border of Sterkowiec, Wokowiec and Szczepanów has been targeted by many as a place for illegal, wild dumping sites. It is a sort of tradition in this area – one can find traces of dumps even from the 1980s. More recently, every now and then, construction glass is dumped under the forest in Kocieniec…
The article “Pitcher” dumped construction glass under the forest in Kocieniec / photos come from the website informatorbrzeski.pl – Brzesko, Bochnia, Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Tarnów. Information portal of the Brzesko, Bochnia, Dąbrowa Tarnowska, and Tarnów districts in Małopolska.