The work on autumn tree plantings has been completed.

Trees in the city serve many beneficial functions: they help to overcome the effects of climate change, have a positive impact on the microclimate of streets, lower the temperature on roads and sidewalks on hot days, provide shade, reduce the amount of dust and gases in the air, increase oxygen levels, and reduce the risk of flooding. During this year’s autumn in the city of Czarnków, a total of 109 trees were planted in public areas. These plantings included compensatory and additional new plantings. We tried to plant trees that show resistance to urban conditions. Many of the newly planted trees will bloom in spring and early summer, and in autumn and winter provide food for wildlife, including birds. For this reason, we planted hawthorns, rowans, wild apples, and pears. Honey-producing species friendly to insects, especially bees, were also planted, such as linden trees, maples, black locusts, cherry trees, and others. The tree planting campaign took place in two stages: – Stage I took place in October – 79 trees were planted, – Stage II took place in November – 30 trees were planted. The plantings were done along pedestrian, cycling, and road communication routes, in roadside green strips to supplement tree rows after gaps, and to create new rows, as well as in green and open areas in completely new locations. Below, we present the locations, types, and total number of trees: 1) new plantings (in places of former removals) in Staszica Park in the area near the amphitheater and the slope surrounding the amphitheater audience – a total of 27 trees were planted, including species such as purple apple, small-fruited pear, cut-leaf cherry, field maple, two-stemmed hawthorn, common rowan, Tartar maple, common maple variety Royal Red, umbrella black locust, and Frisia black locust, 2) new plantings in green areas: – on Parkowa Street – a total of 14 trees were planted, including species such as two-stemmed hawthorn, common rowan, Chinese maqil, small-leaved linden, – at the roundabout of Saint John Paul II – a total of 3 trees were planted, including species such as small-fruited pear, – on Harcerska Street and Góra Krzyżowa – a total of 5 trees were planted, including species such as fastigiate common rowan, Rancho small-leaved linden, 3) new plantings as a complement to the row of trees: – in the green belt of Browarna Street – a total of 5 trees were planted, including species such as small-leaved linden, field maple, common rowan, – in the green belt of Parkowy 17 and 18 housing estate – a total of 7 trees were planted, including species such as small-leaved linden, common maple, – in the green belt of Sikorskiego Street – a total of 9 trees were planted, including species such as Paul’s Scarlet variety intermediate hawthorn, – on Lipowa Street – a total of 3 trees were planted, including species such as Zelzate variety broad-leaved linden, – on Łąkowa Street – a total of 6 trees were planted, including species such as Zelzate variety broad-leaved linden, – on Staromiejska Street – a total of 4 trees were planted, including species such as Globosum variety common maple, Zelzate variety broad-leaved linden, – on Pocztowa Street – 1 tree was planted, including Elsrijk variety field maple, – in the car park near the District Office – 1 tree was planted, including tall ash tree, 4) new plantings as the creation of a row of trees on the slope of Poznańska Street – a total of 12 trees were planted, including ornamental apple tree variety Rudolph, 5) new plantings in the open terrain of the car park on Wodna Street, near Browar roundabout – a total of 12 trees were planted, including Elsrijk field maple variety and common field maple. Municipal services will take care of the new plantings. We want the trees to take root in as many places as possible and to serve to increase the biodiversity of urban spaces in the coming years. Bartosz Wołoszczuk Head of the Spatial Management and Environmental Protection Department.