Transmission from the deliberations of the 11th session of the City Council.

We invite you to follow the live stream of the 11th session of the City Council in Myszków. The broadcast will start on June 27th at 9:00 AM on YouTube channel.
Broadcast of the 11th session of the City Council in Myszków
Proposed agenda: 1. Opening of the session and verification of its validity. 2. Determination of the agenda. 3. Information from the Chairman of the City Council about the signing of the protocols from the City Council sessions on May 9, 2019, May 16, 2019, June 10, 2019, and comments made by council members. 4. Report from the Mayor on the activities during the intersessional period. 5. Consideration of the report on the municipality’s state – debate. 6. Adoption of a resolution of confidence in the Mayor of the City of Myszków. 7. Consideration and approval of the financial report along with the budget execution report of the City of Myszków for the year 2018. 8. Adoption of a resolution on not granting the Mayor of the City of Myszków discharge for the execution of the budget for 2018. 9. Adoption of resolutions on:

changes in the Long-Term Financial Forecast of the Municipality of Myszków for the years 2019-2031,
changes in the budget for the year 2019,
providing financial assistance to the City of Częstochowa for the implementation of tasks related to the Law on Sobriety Education and Counteracting Alcoholism in terms of organizing and running sobering-up rooms,
acquisition for the Municipality of Myszków of a property located in Myszków, district of Myszków,
amendments to the resolution No. XXIII/186/16 of the City Council of Myszków dated September 1, 2016 concerning the establishment of the Youth City Council of Myszków,
formation of a team to assess candidates for lay judges,
authorization to submit a proposal and accept the implementation of the project “Modernization of the Selective Collection Point for Municipal Waste – PSZOK located in Myszków at ul. Prusa 70 and construction of mini PSZOKs in the city of Myszków”,
amendments to the resolution No. XXXII/287/13 of the City Council of Myszków dated August 29, 2013 regarding the determination of ticket prices for rides on local public transport, additional fees, and entitlements to discounted and free rides on public transport within the Municipality of Myszków.

10. Information on interpellations submitted by council members during the intersessional period. 11. Motions and statements by council members. 12. Conclusion of the session.