We promote our small homeland…

The Czarnkowsko-Trzcianecka Local Action Group is an association established in 2006. It is an organization that promotes primarily tourism and local brands. Through its activities, it helps not only existing market entrepreneurs but also those who are just entering it. Non-governmental organizations, institutions, and informal groups can also count on support. Today, a conference entitled “Good practices of implemented projects within the LAG for the years 2014-2023 in the Czarnków-Trzcianka Local Action Group area” took place at the “Nad Stawem” wedding house in Stajkowo. The location was not accidental, as the LAG supported such entrepreneurs. During the meeting, there was a summary of implemented projects and a discussion on the challenges and successes of LAG beneficiaries, who significantly contributed to the development of our region. The area of operation of the Czarnkowsko-Trzcianecka Local Action Group consists of eight municipalities forming a coherent space – the Czarnków-Trzcianka poviat. It encompasses many initiatives for the development of municipal areas: Czarnków (urban and rural communes), Drawsko, Krzyż Wlkp., Lubasz, Połajewo, Trzcianka, Wieleń. Thanks to the LAG, residents, social organizations, and entrepreneurs from the mentioned municipalities have the opportunity to use European funds within the LEADER initiative. In 2016, we signed an agreement with the Wielkopolska Voivodeship Self-Government to implement operations included in the Local Development Strategy. We managed to obtain funds for the development of local infrastructure, events promoting the beauty of our region, various economic activities, the development of economic entities, and the renewal of the LAG area. Thanks to these initiatives, our poviat becomes more beautiful and, therefore, more attractive to potential guests. I want to thank all those who contributed to this success – said Agnieszka Kulesza, the president of the association. It is worth mentioning that the LAG also includes many initiatives and events promoting the cultural heritage of our region. The Hunting Horn Team from the Forestry Technical School in Goraj could count on support, which honored the ceremony with a short performance. The LAG also promotes culinary, gardening, and fruit-growing traditions, as evidenced by the creation of a brand called “Notecki,” which is intended to showcase the culture, nature, history – in a word, the beauty of the Czarnków-Trzcianka poviat. The County Office in Czarnków.