Youth Council of Grodzisk County trip to Poznań.

On Thursday, March 7, 2024, the members of the Youth County Council of Grodzisk and representatives of school self-governments from the General High School and Technical School Complex in Grodzisk Wielkopolski traveled to Poznań. The first item on the agenda was a visit to the Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship, where the young councilors took part in a lecture on civil society and were given a tour of the office building. The youth had the opportunity to learn about the specifics of the work of the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship Council and the office itself. After the meeting and the lecture, the group went to the Morasko Campus, where they visited the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at the Adam Mickiewicz University. There, they attended a lecture titled “Was the record turnout among young voters in 2023 an exception to the rule? On mobilizing first-time voters in Poland” and took part in a discussion. Afterwards, the youth were given a tour of the building and classrooms. While on the campus, the youth also visited the Faculty of Geography and Geology. There, the members of the Council and school self-governments had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a collection of minerals, the largest meteorites in Central Europe, and fossils. The chaperones accompanying the youth on the trip were: Chairman of the Grodzisk County Council, Sebastian Skrzypczak, Katarzyna Rzanna-Piechota, Magdalena Lange, and Jakub Krawiec.