
What are the rules of inheriting funds from OFE and ZUS?

What are the rules of inheriting funds from OFE and ZUS?

Inheriting funds from Open Pension Funds (OFE) and Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) is regulated by appropriate legal provisions. In Poland, there are specific rules that determine which benefits can be inherited from a deceased member of OFE or ZUS. Inheriting from OFE In the case of OFE, inheritance concerns the accumulated funds in the pension fund. According to the current regulations, after the death of an OFE member, the accumulated funds can be transferred to the heirs. Inheritance is based on a will or the inheritance law. In the absence of a will, inheritance takes place based on statutory rules of inheritance. However, it is worth noting that inheriting funds from OFE may be limited in the case when the fund member did not designate beneficiaries or in the presence of...
New regulations to fight against unscrupulous property developers. Will they be effective?

New regulations to fight against unscrupulous property developers. Will they be effective?

Over the years, there has been a lot of talk about the need to introduce regulations governing the minimum size of residential premises. The aim of the changes is to stabilize the housing market in Poland. Studio apartment no smaller than 25 m2 According to the regulations that are to be implemented no later than a few months from now, the minimum size of a residential premises should be 25 square meters. The new rules also concern the distance between balconies of different buildings. Currently, developers are allowed to build a residential unit with a balcony 4 meters from the plot boundary. After the modifications of the laws, this distance should be 5 meters. More green areas and playgrounds in multi-family housing estates The changes also include common areas, including p...