Local government

Will the largest city in Poland be created in Silesia?
Local government

Will the largest city in Poland be created in Silesia?

The concept of transforming the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis into the largest city in Poland is an ambitious urban development project aimed at creating a strong, integrated urban center capable of competing internationally. The Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis, also known as the Silesia Metropolis, is already one of the most dynamic regions in Poland, combining many cities and municipalities, including Katowice, Sosnowiec, Gliwice, Zabrze, and Bytom. As part of this concept, numerous investments in transportation infrastructure are planned, including the expansion of road networks, railways, and public transportation to facilitate the flow of people and goods between different parts of the metropolis. Another important aspect is the development of services and innovation through ...
Migracja wewnętrzna: które miasta tracą najwięcej mieszkańców
Local government

Migracja wewnętrzna: które miasta tracą najwięcej mieszkańców

W ostatnich latach obserwujemy w Polsce zjawisko migracji wewnętrznej, które prowadzi do znaczących zmian demograficznych w wielu miastach. Niektóre z nich, szczególnie te średniej wielkości i mniejsze, zmagają się z problemem wyludnienia. W poniższym artykule przyjrzymy się, które polskie miasta straciły najwięcej mieszkańców i jakie mogą być tego przyczyny. Zmiany demograficzne: Migracje wewnętrzne w Polsce mają różne przyczyny. Często są to czynniki ekonomiczne, takie jak poszukiwanie lepszych warunków życia i pracy. Zmiany te wpływają na demografię miast, które tracą mieszkańców na rzecz większych aglomeracji. Miasta tracące mieszkańców: Łódź -miasto to przez wiele lat było centrum przemysłowym Polski, jednak z biegiem czasu wiele zakładów pracy zostało zamkniętych lub pr...
Citizen’s budget – what you should know about it
Local government

Citizen’s budget – what you should know about it

When defining the concept of "citizen budget", it is important to know that it is a pool of municipal budgetary funds, the allocation of which can be decided by the residents themselves. In municipalities that are cities with county rights, the establishment of a citizen budget is mandatory, with the minimum citizen budget amount being at least 0.5 percent of the municipality's expenditure included in the last submitted budget implementation report. Within the citizen budget, residents decide annually on a portion of the municipality's budget expenditures through direct voting. The municipal council determines, by resolution, the requirements that a citizen budget project should meet, in particular: a) formal requirements that the proposed projects should meet. b) the required nu...
Free projects of energy-efficient blocks available for municipalities.
Local government

Free projects of energy-efficient blocks available for municipalities.

The projects were created as part of a competition announced by the Ministry of Development and Technology. Among the submitted works, 5 best concepts were selected, which will be sent to interested local authorities. Contest participants were tasked with designing a 3-story building for 24 families. The most important criteria are architectural value, functionality, and low energy consumption. The competition committee rated the works prepared by 5 studios the highest: Racing Green Interiors Ltd; Rafał Mazur and Łukasz Gaj; Łukasz Stępnik; WAWW Pracownia Projektowa Mirosław Wojcieszak and Gąska Studio Łukasz Gąska Marta Sowińska-Gąska, and Młynarczyk Architects Ltd. Free projects for use Award-winning works will be included in the architectural and construction projects database of Ba...
Łódź: The 17th social fridge is now operational.
Local government

Łódź: The 17th social fridge is now operational.

Every day in Poland, 5 million tons of food is wasted. This number includes both food from stores as well as from households. 60% of this food is improperly used or bought in excess by private individuals. Foodsharing Łódź is opening another social refrigerator. This is already the 17th point on the map of Łódź where people in difficult financial situations can count on support. The responsible party for this initiative is the group Foodsharing Łódź. The idea of food sharing has proven successful, which is why it is expanding to new locations. The new point is located near the Daily Shelter for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly on Ćwiklińska Street 5a. The sponsor of this place is the company Whirlpool. Along with the refrigerator, a social cupboard has also been launched. It is a...
Will municipalities resort to a rain tax? Who will be subject to the fee?
Local government

Will municipalities resort to a rain tax? Who will be subject to the fee?

The increasingly difficult situation of local governments has prompted them to explore various possibilities for charging residents. One such levy is the rain tax. What is it and who does it affect? Rain tax applies to property owners whose size exceeds 3500 square meters. The correct term is the charge for reducing ground retention. It was introduced in 2018 and is intended to serve as a tribute to the State Treasury, financing the fight against drought. Another aim is to cover the costs of dealing with the problem of excessively low groundwater levels. An additional objective is to encourage companies to reduce the percentage of cemented plots. This is closely related to the amount of fees. The money obtained in this way will mainly go to the Polish Water Management Authority, partly to...
Local governments challenge the competencies of Polish Waters.
Local government

Local governments challenge the competencies of Polish Waters.

Water Resources (Wody Polskie) is a governmental body established in 2018 and affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Its responsibilities include regulating water and sewage tariffs. The Association of Polish Cities (ZMP) points to non-compliance with the provisions of Article 24 of the Act of June 7, 2001 on collective water supply and collective sewage discharge, regarding criteria for determining water and sewage tariffs, as well as the procedure and deadlines for considering applications. Where does the problem lie? Until recently, the responsibilities were on the side of the municipalities, which appropriately reacted to the increase in costs of supplying residents with water. The restoration of this state is intended to allow for adjustments similar to tho...